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  • 17 Years in the Making

    From one of the Islamic world’s most highly respected scholars and foremost translators of Arabic into English.

  • New Nuances and Subtleties

    Discover the awe-inspiring deeper spiritual meaning in each verse.

  • Beyond Literal Translation

    Access the Divine Speech through rich, encompassing expressions beyond literal translation.

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Why it's Different?

Previous Translations Neglected 7 Key Areas

The 24-page introduction (which can be read here) identifies seven key areas of meaning neglected by previous translations. Such gaps result in crucial elements of the Quran’s themes, logic, arguments, message, and meanings being lost.The Quran Beheld thus uncovers matters of Arabic meaning in the Quran for the first time in English.

A Translation for Daily Use

This work is uniquely designed for daily devotional use. The layout has been made to enhance understanding, readability, and reflection.

The Arabic script faces the English text with each page beginning and ending with the same verses. It brings together in one volume the entire Quran in beautiful Arabic script, alongside a captivating and accurate translation of the Quran.

Includes Indispensable Section on the "Themes of Suras"

The Quran consists of 114 chapters. Themes of Suras summarises the essence of each chapter, what they mean, their relationship to one another, and how they form a coherent message to Mankind.

This is an indispensable guide to the major topics in the Quran.

Unbroken Exegete (tafsir sanad) Chain

Over the course of 17 years, the translator went word-by-word through the Quran with a traditional scholar; not once, but twice. Together, they revisited hundreds of verses and words many times over, always consulting the works of the Quran’s greatest exegetes.

Biographies of these nineteen exegetes are included to highlight why their works are necessary to understand the deepest meanings of the Quran. Readers are introduced to their lives and key contributions, thereby connecting them to Islam’s most important thinkers. The very accuracy, expertise, and diligence that these exegetes commanded was deemed critical to The Quran Beheld project from beginning to end.

An Index that Took 1 Year to Manually Compile

The translator believed that the Quran’s panoramic coverage required a new approach to indexing. He produced it manually over a year, without any recourse to computer software or outsourcing.

The result is a unique 61-page index that allows readers to discover integral themes and details about the Quran: Allah’s attributes, blessings Man should thank Allah for, hope, humility, tricks of the devil, virtues and vices, and much more.

For the first time, readers can find answers to existential questions like, “how should I be as a person?”


The Arabic of the Quran is majestic, melodious, and moving. The experience of reading the Quran in English, however, can feel fragmented and difficult.

Nuh Keller’s new translation of the Quran resolves this by paying special attention to the Quran’s rhetorical and linguistic depth. The translation stands out for its sheer accuracy, simple elegance, and supreme readability.

It opens a door onto the Quran’s meanings and majesty. English readers can now behold the message of the most important book in human history.

Learn More

Nuh Ha Mim Keller

Shaykh NUH HA MIM KELLER was born in eastern Washington State in 1954. He read philosophy at Gonzaga University, the University of Chicago, and UCLA, entered Islam in 1977 at al-Azhar in Cairo, and moved to Jordan in 1980. A scholar of traditional Islamic sciences who studied with sheikhs in Jordan and Syria, he has produced such works as Reliance of the Traveller, Sea Without Shore, and the Chain of Gold edition of Dala’il al-Khayrat. He is a senior fellow at the Royal Aal al-Bayt Institute for Islamic Thought.

Arabic - English Edition

This edition is made to be one's companion. In it, readers will see the Quran in a completely new format, offering supreme readability. As the author states in the preface: “Take it in hand, depend on it, and see if things do not become a great deal clearer, and life a great deal better. It works.”

The Quran is the most read, reread, and memorized book on earth, for the very good reason that it explains the secret of human existence and answers the questions that no human being can answer. Andalus Islamic Bookstore is the exclusive distributor of The Quran Beheld in Australia and New Zealand.

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The English Edition

The Quran Beheld is now available in a compact English-only paperback and hardcover edition. Readers will find the shorter 695-page copy perfect for commuting, travel, personal study, and contemplative reading. This paperback is intended as a gateway to Allah’s book, making it an ideal companion to seekers and those wishing to gift the Quran to their friends, family, and colleagues.

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